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Provide effective representation

  • Present a united voice on behalf of the Sri Lanka's dairy industry

  • Influence and propose alternative government policies on a range of matters that affect the growth and prosperity of the dairy industry

  • Engage and represent dairy farmers

  • Lobby for improved government support

  • Improve transparency of the economics of the dairy value chain

  • Collect and collate industry data to inform policy and identify area for efficiency improvements e.g. milk collection and transport


Improve industry practices

  • Improve on-farm profitability: yield improvement, cost reduction, higher reproductive/fertility rates

  • Lift milk quality and safety

  • Support essential input/service industries, especially forage providers

  • Develop an independent farmgate milk pricing formula

  • Engage with educational institutions and government re developing relevant training courses and certificates


Promote on-farm investment by facilitating financing solutions.

  • Reduce input costs through bulk purchase of key commodities, e.g. energy, on behalf of members

  • Deliver services not currently offered (e.g. workshops, networking events and training) for the farm and manufacturing sectors in the regions.

  • Deliver ICT industry service solutions 

Increase consumer demand – ‘grow the pie’

  • Drive consumption through dairy category promotion and school milk programs

  • Improve product quality through cold-chain education campaigns

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